Pink Fire Pointer Oriole Feeders Will Add Some Colorful Magic to Your Bird Friendly Yard

Oriole Feeders Will Add Some Colorful Magic to Your Bird Friendly Yard

                               With its brilliant orange and black plumage, the oriole's arrival is eagerly awaited by backyard birders during each spring migration. It is a magical moment when you hear the very conspicuous and fluent song announcing the arrival of the oriole. All birders are ready to welcome this beautiful bird with oriole feeders bearing assortments of fruit, nectar and oriole food. To the oriole, the oriole feeders look like a grand buffet after a long and hard migration.

You can prepare for the arrival of these gorgeous birds in early spring by placing orange halves on your oriole feeders. The color orange attracts orioles because it is the color of the fruits they have been eating in the tropics all winter. Orioles will also eat cherries, berries, grapes and figs. After seeing a few orioles at your feeders, you can add some grape jelly to your feeder. In late spring or early summer add some nectar to your feeders to keep the orioles coming back for more. Many oriole feeders can accommodate fruit, jelly and nectar.

Like many birds, orioles are territorial and will defend their food source. Having multiple feeders throughout your yard is a great way to attract more birds.

There are a few things to consider when choosing oriole feeders for your backyard. Because of their specific food preferences, oriole food has to be offered in special feeders. When offering fruit, you can use a platform to attach fruit halves of oranges, peaches, and apples or place them on a tree with a nail.

Like hummingbirds, orioles are attracted to nectar. But you will need a special bird feeder for feeding nectar to orioles. A hummingbird feeder is not a good choice since an oriole's beak will not fit into the feeding ports. Fortunately, nectar feeders made for orioles are available.

Your local nature or birding shop probably carries oriole nectar, however it is very easy to make yourself. The basic solution is one part sugar and six pars water. Many commercial oriole nectars have orange food coloring added. The food does not need to be orange as long as the oriole feeder is orange.

The ideal oriole feeder is designed to accommodate jelly, nectar and a slice of fruit. Orioles are particular to grape jelly and orange marmalade. Oriole feeders with these accommodations, store the nectar in the bottom, the jelly on the lid and the fruit slice attached in the middle. Mealworms are another favorite with orioles and are also a good source of protein. You can purchase mealworms for oriole food at any well-stocked bird supply store. The mealworms can be offered in an oriole feeder designed to dispense this delicacy.

Keeping your oriole feeder clean is very important if you want the orioles to return. Small, soft bristle brushes work well for getting into all the corners. It is a good practice to clean it between fillings. Just clean with warm water and rinse.

Setting up a wild bird habitat in your yard will bring nature close to you. And having orioles in your yard will make backyard bird watching even more enjoyable. Once you set up your first oriole bird feeder you will see that one is not enough. Having more feeders will attract more birds, thus providing even more birding fun.

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oriol elcacho
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oriol elcacho
oriol elcacho
oriol elcacho
oriol elcacho
oriol elcacho